Cassandra Elena Casas Avatar

Scholarship Year:

2023 Spring

Cassandra Elena C.

Studying In:

United Kingdom (Summer) | *CAPA The Global Education Network Scholarship

More About This Scholar

Home Institution: Alverno College
Expected Graduation Year: 2025
Academic Major / Minor: Global Studies & International Relations / Elective Studies on Public Health
Destination: London, UK
“Hello” in your host country’s language: Hello
Program Provider: CAPA
Demographics: Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student
Future Career Goals: I would hope to one day obtain my masters in Global Health Equity and potentially work for an international non-profit assisting communities that are most in need of healthcare necessities, and educational information.
Top Three Study Abroad Goals: Complete my internship placement, because it would allow me to work in a social setting different from Milwaukee. In addition, this internship would provide me the opportunity to begin the global adaptation that I seek to obtain to further my academic aspirations; Hopefully learn more about myself any my environment adaptation skills. I have never been too far away from my family, so this is something that I know will be a challenge to overcome; Make new friends, experience their culture as well as the UK’s culture and customs, and overall learn more about people who are outside of the same living space that I am in.


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