Cassandra Elena C.
Journal Entries
Apr 16th 2023
My Time Aborad Coming to an End
Apr 11th 2023
My Top Food Recommendations in London
Apr 10th 2023
Realization Through Study Abroad
Mar 27th 2023
Feeling Guilty, Diversity and Cultural Identity
Mar 16th 2023
Sevilla, Portugal, Morocco
Feb 12th 2023
Adventuring in England
Jan 15th 2023
Saying Goodbyes
More About This Scholar
Home Institution: Alverno College
Expected Graduation Year: 2025
Academic Major / Minor: Global Studies & International Relations / Elective Studies on Public Health
Destination: London, UK
“Hello” in your host country’s language: Hello
Program Provider: CAPA
Demographics: Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student
Future Career Goals: I would hope to one day obtain my masters in Global Health Equity and potentially work for an international non-profit assisting communities that are most in need of healthcare necessities, and educational information.
Top Three Study Abroad Goals: Complete my internship placement, because it would allow me to work in a social setting different from Milwaukee. In addition, this internship would provide me the opportunity to begin the global adaptation that I seek to obtain to further my academic aspirations; Hopefully learn more about myself any my environment adaptation skills. I have never been too far away from my family, so this is something that I know will be a challenge to overcome; Make new friends, experience their culture as well as the UK’s culture and customs, and overall learn more about people who are outside of the same living space that I am in.
Expected Graduation Year: 2025
Academic Major / Minor: Global Studies & International Relations / Elective Studies on Public Health
Destination: London, UK
“Hello” in your host country’s language: Hello
Program Provider: CAPA
Demographics: Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student
Future Career Goals: I would hope to one day obtain my masters in Global Health Equity and potentially work for an international non-profit assisting communities that are most in need of healthcare necessities, and educational information.
Top Three Study Abroad Goals: Complete my internship placement, because it would allow me to work in a social setting different from Milwaukee. In addition, this internship would provide me the opportunity to begin the global adaptation that I seek to obtain to further my academic aspirations; Hopefully learn more about myself any my environment adaptation skills. I have never been too far away from my family, so this is something that I know will be a challenge to overcome; Make new friends, experience their culture as well as the UK’s culture and customs, and overall learn more about people who are outside of the same living space that I am in.