Adventuring in England


Cassandra Elena Casas

<i>Home Institution</i>: Alverno College <i>Expected Graduation Year</i>: 2025 <i>Academic Major / Minor</i>: Global Studies & International Relations / Elective Studies on Public Health <i>Destination</i>: London, UK <i>"Hello" in your host country's language</i>: Hello <i>Program Provider</i>: CAPA <i>Demographics</i>: Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student <i>Future Career Goals</i>: I would hope to one day obtain my masters in Global Health Equity and potentially work for an international non-profit assisting communities that are most in need of healthcare necessities, and educational information. <i>Top Three Study Abroad Goals</i>: Complete my internship placement, because it would allow me to work in a social setting different from Milwaukee. In addition, this internship would provide me the opportunity to begin the global adaptation that I seek to obtain to further my academic aspirations; Hopefully learn more about myself any my environment adaptation skills. I have never been too far away from my family, so this is something that I know will be a challenge to overcome; Make new friends, experience their culture as well as the UK's culture and customs, and overall learn more about people who are outside of the same living space that I am in.

Since my arrival here, I have been traveling to nearby cities and towns outside of London, like Stonehenge, Whitstable, Dover, and Bath. Whitstable is not of many tourists’ โ€œmust-see placesโ€ in England, but I think itโ€™s a hidden gem. Itโ€™s a seaside town 2 hours away from London, with a gorgeous seaside view and many little shops and restaurants. The best of all is that I happened to go because of my internship. The week I started interning at Castlehaven, they had programmed a day trip for the elders at the center, and I happened to go with them. I spent my day talking to them, getting to hear more about their lives in London, their rec commendations of places I should visit, and sharing commonalities with our cultures. Apart from London, Whitstable became my favorite sight Iโ€™ve visited so far. I also went to Bath for a day and saw the Roman Baths, which was amazing to see upfront (picture below). When choosing the location of my study abroad program, I focused much more on the city itself. I wasnโ€™t planning on doing much traveling around England, but the opportunity to do so has changed the way I see England as a whole. Itโ€™s such a versatile and diverse country with so many different places for all. Although my stay here has been incredible, to say the least. I also encountered some difficulties along the way. The biggest adjustment I have had to make is the food. Although I was born in the USA, my culture is heavily influenced by my parents. The food I eat in my house is virtually impossible to find here. Because the dishes I eat daily are ingredient specific, I have struggled to find food here that I enjoy eating. I typically eat breakfast at home, and I make my dinner, but for lunch, I buy something while Iโ€™m out at my internship or school. The first couple of days I arrived, I experienced culture shock when I tried purchasing my lunch. The types of sandwiches that are sold here are very different from the ones Iโ€™m accustomed to. Some of the sandwiches I saw were roast beef with horseradish or mustard and smoked salmon and cream cheese. Food combinations that I would have never thought about. I did eventually settle for their cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches, which are not too bad at all. The first couple of weeks, I was also overpaying for my lunches, but then I learned that Sainsbury’s, a very common grocery store here, has a meal deal for ยฃ3.50 that includes a main dish like a sandwich, a drink, and a snack. Expanding my food and taste pallet has been a learning process, but it has gotten easier as I adjust to being a student here. I plan on traveling to some more cities in England, and I hope to try new foods there too!