My Time Aborad Coming to an End
Today I decided to walk to Clifton Nurseries, the atmosphere here is perfect. They have a garden and shop, with a small restaurant located within the plants and flowers. This week I also took what I consider to be my first solo trip. I traveled to Rye in East Sussex, England. I spent an afternoon there walking around the shops, where I found a 1954 copy of Alice in Wonderland. I enjoyed my solo time, as I was able to reflect on my time abroad and also took a moment to mentally prepare myself for traveling back to the US. Although I do miss my friends and family in Milwaukee, I adjusted my life to living here in London. I also believe my mental health is doing significantly better and overall feel much happier with the person I am here. The more I think about having to say goodbye to my friends here and the city as a whole, makes me feel upset. Last Wednesday was my last day at my internship, and it was the first goodbye I made. My colleagues also became an important part of my life while my stay in London, as they offered so much support and advice. It was difficult saying goodbyes, but in a way, it started preparing me to think about the rest of the goodbye I had yet to make. American and British cultures, although often compared to be similar, in my opinion, can be drastically different. They want to make life enjoyable and healthier in the UK is much more influential than it is in the US. While my time in London, I realized that we need to take time for ourselves, and that work should not control our livelihood. In the US I experience burnout as a student because work and life are not balanced, they are intertwined. On another note, the weather here has been a lot better than when I first arrived. All the flowers and trees are finally blooming, and Iโm glad I got to see a part of what London in spring and summer looks like. I want to come back to London in the future.