Kayse Umbaugh Avatar

Scholarship Year:


Kayse Umbaugh


Christopher Newport University

Studying In:

Ireland (Summer) | *Inclusive Ireland Access Partner Scholarship

More About This Scholar

Pronouns: She/her
Home Institution: Christopher Newport University
Expected Graduation: 2023
Major / Minor: Psychology / Theater
Study Abroad Location: Ireland & Northern Ireland
“Hello” in your host country’s language: Dia dhuit
Identity: First-Generation College Student, LGBTQ+
Future Career Goals: When I graduate I would like to work towards becoming a drama therapist, that helps people with their needs, through psychodrama and theater aspects.
Top 3 Goals for your time abroad: Learn as much as I can about the politics and literature in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Explore and immerse myself in the theater and castles of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Travel and explore the interesting places and establishments in Ireland and Northern Ireland.


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