Joselin Rosales Avatar

Scholarship Year:


Joselin Rosales


Georgetown University

Studying In:

South Korea (Summer) | *Malú Alvarez Global Access Scholarship

More About This Scholar

“Hello” in your host country’s language: 안녕하세요!
Home Institution (your U.S. University/College): Georgetown University
Expected graduation year: 2022
Destination city & country: Seoul, South Korea
Program provider: CIEE
Major/minor: Linguistics major, Japanese minor, Asian Studies Certificate
Demographics: Mexican-American, first-generation, low-income
Future career aspirations: After graduating, I hope to teach English in South Korea or Japan (or maybe both!) for a couple of years. Not only will this be a great way to test-try a potential long-term career in teaching, but it will also allow me to enhance my current Japanese and future Korean skills. As a linguistics major, it might be evident, but I hope to continue polishing up my current language skills and learn new languages throughout the course of my life. I have been exposed to cultures entirely different from my own by learning languages, and although it has not been easy, it has opened up the door to incredible opportunities which I will always be thankful for.
Top 3 goals for your time abroad: 1. Communicate effectively in Korean for at least 10 minutes
2. Learn about English teaching programs in South Korea
3. Walk around the Han River while listening to “Love Maze” by BTS


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