Anica Acuña Avatar

Scholarship Year:

2023 Spring

Anica Acuña


Vassar College

Studying In:

New Zealand | *IFSA Access Partner Scholarship

More About This Scholar

Home Institution: Vassar College
Expected Graduation Year: 2024
Academic Major / Minor: Biochemistry & Drama
Destination: Auckland, New Zealand
“Hello” in your host country’s language: Kia ora
Program Provider: IFSA
Demographics: Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation College Student, LGBTQ+
Future Career Goals: I am currently in the process of getting my birther support practitioner certification and aspire to provide advocacy and support in obstetrics and gynecology. Long term, my goal is to attend an MPH/PhD dual degree program with a discipline in either sociomedical sciences or epidemiology. Because I am also quite passionate about the arts and double majoring in drama, I am currently looking for a career that would combine both of my interests!
Top Three Study Abroad Goals: While abroad, I plan to explore the unique wildlife and nature that can’t be found anywhere else! I also look forward to learning more about the beautiful Māori culture that NZ is home to and involving myself in in local communities to get to know new people and build new friendships!


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