Budgeting and Meal Planning in NZ




I have been so incredibly fortunate to have been able to spend an entire semester in New Zealand and grow in ways that I did not foresee. As I conclude my time abroad, I am starting to reflect on the things I have learned about myself and the skills that I have acquired. One quality of my life that has changed and that I know I will definitely continue with is budgeting and being organized in that aspect of my life. When I first arrived here, I thought that I would only be able to participate in the adventures that my program had laid out for us, and I didnโ€™t really see myself being able to go on many solo/group trips because of my financial restrictions. However, as I quickly became accustomed to noting my expenses, I was able to plan out in advance the money I would need for essentials (groceries, toiletries, school necessities, etc.) and budget for extra personal events. I am sure many people can understand the stress that financials place on a person, so, as someone who has detrimentally made that stress a priority in their life, it was liberating to feel like I had enough control on my budget to relax and take some time for me to have fun and enjoy my time here.

Prior to leaving the states, I planned my trip for about a year and a half in advance. Throughout this time, I was able to work multiple jobs and save like crazy. Every penny that didnโ€™t go to necessities was set aside for this. Not only did I have to get my ticket, but I knew I would need to get school books, toiletries, and kitchen ware all within the first week of my arrival, so most of my funds were allocated to that. I am lucky to have an awesome family who pitched it where they could and I am even luckier to have gained financial support from FEA and IFSA to help with my housing and school tuition. One thing that I established in my first two weeks of being in NZ was my budget book. I wrote down what I had, my fixed expenses, and my end of semester fund target- what I would still like to have when I came back to the states. Thank goodness I got an A in math all through school because I had to use it to figure out my monthly, weekly, and even daily budget. In an ideal world, this budget book never changed, but as I got accustomed to life in NZ and became more comfortable splurging where I could so that I could gain more out of my time in NZ, the budget book saw changes, usually for the better. I did step over a couple times, but I re-adjusted, learned and kept moving forward. At one point, I was under budget and was able to do something I had always wanted to do. I got a tattoo a couple weeks ago to commemorate my time here (a kiwi bird with the scenery of NZ and silver fern as the body). Now, looking back, I am not sorry for a single one my purchases, except maybe the time I tried to get chips from the vending machine and it didnโ€™t dispense my snack :( . In all seriousness though, I am shocked and happy that I was able to do so many amazing, life changing things while still maintaining my budget.

Another way in which I was able to plan in advance was food! I did not expect the most expensive part of traveling to be obtaining food. I donโ€™t even eat three meals a day, and it was still a struggle. To adjust for this expense, I learned how to make a well-thought-out grocery list and plan my meals for the next two to three weeks ahead of time. My accommodation was self-catered, so I already had to learn how to consistently cook my meals every day. Therefore, this meal-calendar, if you will, served as a fun challenge to motivate me and benefit my wallet. I watched many YouTube videos and subscribed to multiple cooking blogs to get cheap delicious recipes. From these resources, I would write down the meals I wanted and find commonalities between each dish. Once I did that, the grocery list basically wrote itself. I did large grocery runs about every 3-4 weeks and I found that a stable budget for this time period for me was about $200-$250 per run. That doesnโ€™t seem like much. I didnโ€™t think so either. But, if I bought in bulk, I was able to stretch groceries for a while, especially canned goods and pantry items. For food that belong in the fridge and spoil quickly, it was a bit trickier. I googled many hacks that would help me to preserve my foods for longer while making sure they didnโ€™t go bad. For example, it is very hard for one person to eat a loaf of bread in the time before its expiration, so I put the bread in the freezer, and when I needed it, I would place slices in the toaster. If I wanted it to be toasted, I would leave them in the whole time, but if I just needed to defrost it, I would take it out of the toaster quicker. I would never let the loaf defrost on the counter because then the water that came off would make the bread soggy (learned that the hard way). I also kept vegetable like carrots, celery, etc. in water to plump it up and use throughout my meal prep. I also bought quick meals like instant noodles, frozen soups, canned spaghettis. I am used to cooking for my family, not just me, so the meals I made had leftovers that lasted about 2-3 days. I always made a good stir fry at the end of my 3 weeks to clean out my fridge. I also learned how to bake my own desserts for when my sweet tooth acted up. Now of course I didnโ€™t cook all my food. I wanted to taste NZ cuisine and support local businesses when I could, so I allowed myself 1-2 meals a week to be out. I never became a regular anywhere because I ate at different places every time, but itโ€™s okay. I found variety and became much less picky!

These are life skills that I am so excited to take back with me. I feel so incredibly grateful and appreciative to the organizations who have helped me and my family for supporting me where they could. I wouldnโ€™t have imagined that I would do half the things that I did. I was really able to see and experience all NZ had to offer. My time here has been amazing, and I hope that as I continue to reflect, I will find other skills that I have acquired and use them going forward.