Miriam Arabella Ruiz Avatar

Scholarship Year:

2023 Spring

Miriam Arabella Ruiz


Macalester College

Studying In:

Japan | *Rainbow Scholarship

Journal Entries

May 22nd 2023

Rainy Days in Hirakata

May 17th 2023

Golden Week

May 16th 2023

The Last Train

May 07th 2023


Mar 25th 2023


Mar 18th 2023

Sala Talk

Feb 02nd 2023

At the Mountain

More About This Scholar

Home Institution: Macalester College
Expected Graduation Year: 2024
Academic Major / Minor: Creative Writing & Japanese / Studio Art
Destination: Hirakata City, Japan
“Hello” in your host country’s language: こんにちは (konnichiwa)
Program Provider: Kansai Gaidai University
Demographics: Hispanic/Latinx, Multi-Racial, First-Generation College Student, LGBTQ+
Future Career Goals: Fiction Writer and Animator (and perhaps a florist when I retire)
Top Three Study Abroad Goals: To learn more about the Japanese language and animation industry, to build long-lasting friendships and learn more about people in general, and to appreciate nature while in Japan.


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