Hannah Henris Avatar

Scholarship Year:


Hannah Henris


Brandeis University

Studying In:

San Jose, Costa Rica


CEA CAPA Education Abroad Access Partner Scholarship

Journal Entries

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More About This Scholar



Expected Graduation:


Major / Minor:

Chemical Biology / Health, Science, Society, and Policy

Program Provider:



African American/Black, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student

Future Career Goals:

My future career goal is to be a doctor that does both research and cares for patients using the findings of my research. I want to be a doctor with a global impact and with an understanding of differences between traditional medicine and modern treatments globally and how both can be used to heal patients. I want to also impact healthcare policies globally, decreasing the numbers of people dying each year due to inadequate healthcare.

Top 3 Goals for your time abroad:

My goals are to 1. Understand more about Costa Rican culture and society in the context of the language and the economy. 2. Do research on the sustainability of various healthcare practices in the Costa Rican healthcare system. 3. Learn about the Costa Rican diet and dishes and how traditional foods can promote better health.


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