Cheyenne Plear Avatar

Scholarship Year:


Cheyenne Plear


Christopher Newport University

Studying In:

Germany (Summer)

Journal Entries

More About This Scholar

Pronouns: She/her
Home Institution: Christopher Newport University
Expected Graduation: 2024
Major / Minor: Communication with a concentration in Interpersonal Studies / Health, Medical & Wellness
Study Abroad Location: Berlin and Nuremberg, Germany
“Hello” in your host country’s language: Guten Tag!
Program Provider: Christopher Newport University
Identity: African American/Black, Caucasian/White, First-Generation College Student, Transfer Student
Future Career Goals: My future career goal is to work in human resources management with the federal government.
Top 3 Goals for your time abroad: 1) To strengthen my intercultural communication skills. While also being exposed to a new culture, and broadening my perspectives.
2) To effectively speak German while exploring and learning in Germany!
3) To connect with my German culture and ancestors.


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