Cerys Ramos Davies Avatar

Scholarship Year:

2023 Spring

Cerys R.

Studying In:

United Kingdom | *FIE Access Partner Scholarship

More About This Scholar

Home Institution: Loyola Marymount University
Expected Graduation Year: 2024
Academic Major / Minor: Journalism
Destination: London, UK
“Hello” in your host country’s language: Hello
Program Provider: FIE
Demographics: Hispanic/Latinx
Future Career Goals: My ultimate career goal is to be a music journalist. I grew up with music fanatics as parents. With such early experiences of live music and pop culture, I have developed a passion for all of the conversations and opinions that surround music and music culture. My end goal is to play a role in these kinds of conversations.
Top Three Study Abroad Goals: My first goal is to dive head first into the London music scene. I was born and raised in Los Angeles and continue to attend college in the same city. I have only ever been able to fully experience shows and events in LA and I am ready to broaden my music experience by living in London, another music capital of the world; My second goal is to travel and experience as many cities and cultures as possible. I plan to spend my weekends abroad taking as many planes and trains to as many different places. This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity and I plan to make every second of it memorable; My third goal is to reconnect with my heritage. My father was born and raised in Swansea, Wales. As a young child, we used to spend the summer in Swansea. But as my brother and I grew up and life got busier we stopped making these trips. My father unfortunately passed away from COVID-19 in 2021. I plan to spend my time abroad reconnecting with who he was, working on personal growth, and appreciating my British heritage.


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