Week 5: Interesting Week





The class was canceled on Tuesday due to the health of our professor. We met on Thursday to discuss it and decided to make up the class on Friday. After delivering our oral homework assignment, we worked on some new vocabulary for parts of different systems in the human body. When class was about to end, we did some math with the timing to meet again. We had to take into consideration the different time zones and decided to meet again at 3 PM Costa Rica time on Friday. When Friday came, the class was again canceled due to a personal reason of the professor. We will again try to decide another day and time on the coming Tuesday. It was an interesting week with classes.

While doing the oral homework, I noticed myself getting better at speaking and listening to Spanish. It was an interesting assignment because I have never had one before in other Spanish classes in university. I often had only 2-3 speaking opportunities due to a project, mid-term, and final per semester, and often they are on impersonal topics. Since the topic was on experiences at the doctor’s, I felt comfortable to speak more because it is my experience, not a scenario I had to make up. After each of our speeches, the classmates were encouraged to comment and ask questions. There were some broken Spanish with different accents. I feel like that is such a great way to learn a language because I do not have to learn from just listening to a perfect Spanish-speaking accent like that of the professor. Although the professorโ€™s Costa Rican accent does create a diverse opportunity from other Spanish professors I have had at school.

This week, my younger sister wanted to be taken out, so we went to buy bubble tea and churros. The churro place serves fusion churros with different toppings. It was a lot of sweets. My sister and I had to share because I do not have such a sweet tooth as her.

I cannot believe there are three weeks left…