Xitang is an ancient scenic water town in Zhejiang Province. Its history dates back to at least the Spring and Autumn Period (771 to 476 BC). In the older parts of the town, the buildings are set along the banks of the canals, which serve as the main transportation in the area.
The town keeps a tranquil ambience and sonic beauty, making it a very popular tourist attraction. It is frequently depicted in Chinese landscape painting. Xitang locations were featured in the final sequences of the motion picture Mission: Impossible III (USAC).
Some of the students decided on a light snack after lunch.
I wasn’t brave enough to try any.
Xitang was an interesting place to visit. It was very crowded and had a “touristy” feel. There were many stores selling different souvenirs. I was happy to stumble across a small shop selling painted glass items. I admired the many beautiful pieces in the shop; all made by hand using a tiny paintbrush with a tip not much larger than a grain of rice. The shop owner was very gracious; he explained how he spent hours painting each piece by hand. He was in the process of painting a new piece and showed me his technique. I was amazed by the beauty of each piece and the patience and dedication it takes to create each individual item. I set my sights on a small glass teapot with a painted landscape of a blue sky and cherry blossoms. The price said 80 ๅ (yuan) I admired the piece and the shop owner said “if you like it, I will give to you for 70 ๅ .” I was very happy to purchase the beautiful piece, it is my favorite memory of Xitang.