Vlog: Pride Glasgow 2018




The Rainbow Scholarship

This year, the Fund for Education Abroad was kind enough to offer me the Rainbow Scholarship and I am extremely grateful. Straight from the website, the Rainbow Scholarship is “awarded to a deserving LGBTQI student who aims to participate in a high-quality, rigorous education abroad program. This scholarship is made possible by the generous support of a group of international education professionals who are committed to advocating on behalf of LGBTQI students. These professionals counsel international and study abroad LGBTQI students, support their LGBTQI colleagues in the field, and collaborate through groups created with the support of NAFSA and the Forum for Education Abroad.”

Some friends and I captured in a rainbow frame!

Pride Glasgow 2018

Because I wholeheartedly support the LGBTQI community like the Fund for Education Abroad,   I thought it would be a great idea to make a post about Pride Glasgow 2018. This event was the first ever Pride festival I attended, but I can safely say that it will not be my last. This year’s Pride was held in Kelvingrove Park, a scenic area full of nature and impressive bridges. The park is located just minutes away from the University of Glasgow, which is the wonderful institution where I am conducting research this summer. I was surprised to see that the festival was a bustling center for many ages– from middle schoolers to seasoned adult Pride-attendees! The festival was full of vendors selling LGBT gear and food, organizations with tents set up for people to sign action cards on LGBT issues, wild rides, and lively music. Despite the muggy weather, my friends and I had so much fun! I am so happy I was able to stop by a pride festival in one of the most LGBT-friendly countries in Europe.

Luckily we got a picture before the rain started up again!


I would love to share some of the memories with you! Watch this vlog I put together about Pride Glasgow 2018. You might notice a little rain on camera, but that didn’t stop us from having a great time with Melanie C, also known as Sporty Spice!