London Week 3 – Vince Acri
Hello everyone! This was my third week in London, which was very busy with classes and exploring the city. I had bought tickets this week to see Back to the Future the musical, and Cinderella the musical with the people in my apartment.
Unfortunately the Back to the Future musical was cancelled due to too many cast members being ill, so they are suspending shows until the 20th. It is my favorite movie of all time so I am looking forward to seeing it when I can. The Cinderella musical was really great, I did not think I would enjoy it as much as I did. We walked around a bit after and explored West End, which is the London version of Broadway. I saw the theater where Back to the Future was supposed to be, so that I know where it is when I do end up going.
My food and culture class attended a tea party at Kensington Palace, which was my first time attending one myself. It was a great experience, my favorite parts being the tea, the tiny sandwiches, and the scones. I did not care for the desserts, they were a little dry and not that sweet. It was my first time having tea with milk and sugar, it was really different and too sweet for my tastes.
I did do a lot today by myself. I wanted a solo exploration day to myself while the girls in the apartment going to brunch and Charlie taking his professional pictures for his portfolio in the city all afternoon. I went to a pub called the Slaughtered Lamb, which is themed after the pub in one of my favorite movies “An American Werewolf in London”. It was really cool and I ate lunch there and had a pint. I then walked to the Charles Dickens Museum which was located a short 15-minute walk away. It was a good museum, it did not take that long to go through only about 50 minutes. I went to the British Museum, which houses all types of artifacts from around the world from different time periods. In two hours I only got halfway through one of the Egyptian sections. It is a huge museum so I would need to go back a couple more times to go through the entire thing.
Tomorrow, we are going on a two hours sightseeing tour followed up by a visit to Parliament. Then on Sunday, we will be going to the London Eye as a group.
I will post a journal about that on Sunday since it will be a lot of stuff.