It was the weekend before the first week of classes. Then I learned that the International and Exchange Student’s Society (IESS) at the University of Edinburgh was hosting a trip to St. Andrews. Before choosing to study at the University of Edinburgh, I had considered St. Andrews. So, I was excited to go to St. Andrews and see another Scotland city and also make comparisons.
In addition, I wanted to know what the university of st. Andrews looked like. As a result, I paid for the trip and on we went on the trip. We took a bus from the university’s main library’s premises. Our journey was filled with fascinating and captivating views of the countryside. We saw lots of farms and farm animals. In addition, we saw numerous green vegetation and sprawling hills filled with bales upon bales of hay. It was truly a sight to behold. However, I did not take a picture and thinking back, I definitely should have.
We reached the city of St. Andrews after about an hour and 45 minutes. Upon arriving, we were left to our own devices. We had various options: The St. Andrews cathedral and castle, The Blackfriars Chapel, and the museum. I was in a group of 3 and we set off for the cathedral for it was closest to us. I knew that I needed to capture the moment and so I took lots of pictures.

We did not spend a lot of time at the cathedral because we did not seem to find the main entrance despite there been arrows. We followed the arrows but they didn’t point to the correct place. So we left in pursuit of the castle. We found the castle but we were attracted by the pier first.
After gazing at the sea, we went into the castle. We received a guided tour of the castle and tons of impressive historical information about the city of St. Andrews. We took some memorable pictures of the castle.
Upon leaving the castle, we stumbled upon this interesting cafe:
Afterwards, we left St. Andrews for the fishing village called Anstruther. I was impressed by the sights. As a fishing village, they had a famous fish and chips restaurant just across the North Sea. We took some pictures of the port and the boats anchored there.

That marked the end of our St. Andrews trip. We returned to Edinburgh in anticipation of our classes on Monday.