Getting Acclimated





Shayla Miller

<i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> Hello <i>Home Institution (your U.S. University/College):</i> University of Minnesota Twin Cities <i>Expected graduation year:</i> 2024 <i>Destination city & country:</i> Dublin, Ireland <i>Program provider:</i> CAPA <i>Major/minor:</i> Sociology of Law / History, Business Law, and Mass Commuincation <i>Demographics:</i> Caucasian/White <i>Future career aspirations:</i> I would love to attend law school to become a lawyer! I am unsure what type of law I would like to practice but I want to use my love for education and knowledge to really help people within the legal framework. <i>Top 3 goals for your time abroad:</i> Travel to as many places as I can! Try new foods and drinks! Be spontaneous and only say no if I have to!

I am finally here and it feels surreal. Studying in Dublin is something I have been planning for so long it is hard to believe the time has actually come to fulfill this goal I have set for myself.

Each week I hope to learn something new about Ireland, myself or just being in a different country in general. So far this week I have learned that making time for what makes you feel good is really important when transitioning into a new lifestyle. For me that means making time to run and making sure I am eating tasty foods. Waking up early and getting my body moving makes me feel ready to live the day to its fullest. It also gives me some time alone to listen to my favorite music or reflect on life for a bit. Making sure to maintain a good workout schedule even in the short time I have been here I feel has been invaluable to my transition experience.

On top of figuring out what I need to make myself feel comfortable in this new city I have also been able to do a bit of sightseeing in my first few days. All of the students on my program were given an incredible bus tour of Dublin city center as well as Howth, a coastal town which is accessible by an easy train ride out of the city center. It was incredible to hear about the rich history of Dublin while driving past monuments and areas in which events actually took place. Howth gave me a bit of nostalgia for home as the beautiful Irish sea reminded me of the lakes I spend so much time around back in Minnesota.

Overall, I am so excited to finally be in Dublin and experiencing all Ireland has to offer. Off for a little more fun this weekend before relaxing and preparing for classes to start next week.