First 48 in Dublin


Anniesa Owens

<i>Pronouns:</i> She/her <i>Home Institution:</i> Drexel University <i>Expected Graduation:</i> 2025 <i>Major / Minor:</i> Graphic Design / Interactive Design Media <i>Study Abroad Location:</i> Dublin, Ireland & London, England <i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> Hello <i>Program Provider:</i> FIE <i>Identity:</i> African American/Black, First-Generation College Student <i>Future Career Goals:</i> Graphic Designer, UX & Ui <i>Top 3 Goals for your time abroad:</i> Explore and learn more about my host countries culture and history. Gain the ability to be more versatile and outgoing. To make new friends and connections with other travelers and people I meet while abroad.

The first two days in Dublin have been nerve-racking and exciting! After a long trip from D.C. to North Carolina and then finally to Dublin, totaling 13 hours of travel. I couldn’t wait to explore the city and dive into its rich history and culture.

On the first day, we walked around the center of Dublin. Our guide led us through the streets, sharing stories about the city’s past and pointing out iconic landmarks. I was in awe as we passed by stunning cathedrals, colorful pubs, and historical buildings.

Day two was equally captivating as we embarked on a walking tour, delving deeper into the lives of famous Irish personalities. Our guide took us to Trinity College, a prestigious institution where the popular show “Normal People” was filmed. Walking through the campus was magnificent. Learning about the accomplished individuals who have contributed to Ireland’s cultural heritage was truly fascinating. I felt a deeper connection to this extraordinary country and its people with each shared story. I am exhausted but filled with anticipation. These first two days in Dublin have left me eager for more adventures and discoveries during my study abroad trip.