Hello again, I have been so busy lately at my internship! Now that I have (somewhat) a routine, I am able to share with you what I do at my internship in Psylo Fashion!
Psylo Fashion
Psylo Fashion is a company that created the ‘Ethno-Punk’ look, which brings culture around the world together, with a tribal punk twist! The style here is very unique, and were known to be the one of the trailblazers in this aesthetic, getting their start 20 years ago. Two people, Ami and Dan, started this idea of being self-sufficient through their backpacks, and supporting their traveling lifestyle.
Since then they have come very far, having 7 unique stores around the world. This is an alternative business, making sure that everything created is lovingly handcrafted and created using sustainable and ethical practices. This is not a fast fashion company, and the aim of this brand is to not only help better our world, but the people in it as well. I can go on and on about Psylo (and how much I love it) but I’ll leave a link to their website here!
Being a fashion intern in London, especially Camden, has been something I have never imagined I would be. I always loved the alternative look, and I am located right in the city where the alternative thrives. As mentioned in my last blog post, Camden has a deep history, set in punk and gothic lifestyles.
Every day I look forward to walking to work, as you never know what styles you’ll come across. The streets are lined with punks and goths, some camping out on the sidewalk, others on the bridges, street performers are also everywhere! I’ve seen so many interesting styles, and as a fashion lover, I literally rush out of the tube when I hear ‘Next Stop Is: Camden Town’. The best way I can describe it is, it seems like not having a leather jacket here would make you the odd one!
What I do

Personally, I can go on for days about Camden, buut back to my internship! I am learning so many skills, and only on week two, I am excited to see how much more I will learn. I am working on blog posts for Psylo, as well as helping edit pages on their website, and manage all of their social media. We recently reached 10k subscribers on our Instagram! One of the things I have been the most excited about was helping rebrand their image to be more modernized, and cater to the younger crowd.
Psylo has been doing well without a large online presence, which is extremely impressive in this day and age. This is due to their amazing style, and the loyalty their customers have, which is no surprise considering Psylo’s work ethic and quality. Simply put, they started 20 years ago, and as they grew, their fan base did as well. So now I am trying to create more engagement on Instagram, and hopefully get Psylo on track to get more sales!
I absolutely love what I do here at Psylo. It makes me learn, grow, and the things I do actually matter to the company I am working with. It is a sense of independence I have never experienced within a job before, coming from someone who only has worked the register end of a retail store!
I can’t wait to share more with everyone, because although I am finding my way within my internship, London itself is another topic! Last week, culture shock hit me, and it hit me hard. The UK is a lot more different that one expects it to be, and for my next post I plan on talking about that in depth! See you guys again soon!