我爱上海 (I love Shanghai)
Now that I have covered the initial obstacles upon arrival in Shanghai, I want to take this moment to explain everything that I love about Shanghai.
- Change your mind. I found this photo in a shopping mall here and it pretty much sums up my experience so far. Although some things can be frustrating initially (especially for a self admitted spoiled American!) there is a lot to love about this city, and this country.
2. The Bund. Being from Vegas I’m not easily impressed by cliché tourist attractions however, the bund is truly beautiful. It is a must see while in Shanghai. I apologize for the screenshot snapchat photo, the high resolution photo is too large to upload.

3. The Subway 地铁. The subway system here is very easy to use and inexpensive. The signs are in English as well as Chinese and each line is numbered and color coded. As someone who isn’t familiar with subways, I am able to easily find my way around.
4. The food 吃饭. The food here is pretty diverse. Whether it’s the burrito guy with a small stand across the street from campus or a higer end Greek restaurant, there is something for everyone. I will go into more detail in a later blog specially for food.
5. The people 中国人. Pretty much everyone I have encountered on the street is willing to stop and help. During a recent mixup with a cab driver regarding incorrect directions, several locals were wiling to stop and help us out. I’ll save the full story for a later post.
6. The teachers 老师们. My Chinese language teacher Jessica and my Chinese Business and Issues teacher Vivian have been amazing! Definitely two of the best instructors I’ve ever had! I’m very greatful for the time and effort they dedicate to teaching us!
There are too many things for just one post! The point is, although things can be frustrating at times, the good definitely outweighs the bad! This experience has changed my mind and that picture (change your mind) is a daily reminder of that.
-Nicole 吴赛宁