Rel R. Avatar

Scholarship Year:

2025 Spring

Rel R.

Studying In:

Amsterdam, Netherlands


NAFSA Tamara H. Bryant Memorial Scholarship

Journal Entries

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More About This Scholar



Major / Minor:

Politics / Legal Studies, Fine Art

Program Provider:

IES Abroad


Biracial/mixed race, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student, Multiracial

Future Career Goals:

I would like to pursue a career in social justice through practicing international law. I would like to fight against bigotry and discrimination on a global scale.

Top 3 Goals for your time abroad:

1. I would like to integrate with the local community and participate in meaningful cultural exchange.
2. I would like to broaden my education and learn about my areas of studies from a new perspective and through a new lens.
3. I would like to explore a new place, observe, and learn, so I can take home meaningful lessons that I learn while I am abroad.


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