Rebecca Lynn Avatar

Scholarship Year:


Rebecca L.

Studying In:

Australia & Tanzania (Summer) | *The School for Field Studies (SFS) Access Partner Scholarship

Journal Entries

More About This Scholar

“Hello” in your host country’s language: Habari
Home Institution (your U.S. University/College): Iowa State University
Expected graduation year: 2024
Destination city & country: Yungaburra, Australia and Rhotia, Tanzania
Program provider: School of Field Studies
Major/minor: Forestry and Animal Ecology
Demographics: Caucasian/White
Future career aspirations: I am extremely passionate about preserving and restoring habitat for wildlife all across the world. My plan is to begin working on my master’s degree in wildlife biology after graduating from Iowa State University. My end goal is to obtain my doctorate in restoration ecology and conduct research to discover the best way to preserve and restore some of the most fragile ecosystems. I am hoping that my experience through the School of Field Studies will help me understand what I would like to focus on for my master’s research.
Top 3 goals for your time abroad: 1) Leave a positive impact on the people of the Rhotia community in Tanzania.
2) Better understand what I would like to do for my graduate school programs.
3) Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef.


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