Milena M.
Journal Entries
Jul 31st 2023
The Striking Australian Landscape: Exploring the Blue Mountains (Milena Maldonado, Australia)
Jul 08th 2023
A Day in Sydney! (Milena Maldonado, Australia)
Jun 19th 2023
Canberra Holi Festival! (Milena Maldonado, Australia)
More About This Scholar
Expected Graduation Year: 2024
Academic Major / Minor: Film / Music
Destination: Canberra, Australia
“Hello” in your host country’s language: Hello!
Demographics: Hispanic/Latinx, U.S. Immigrant, First-Generation College Student, Transfer Student
Future Career Goals: My ultimate career goal is to influence the world through filmmaking and music. I want to write, create, and direct films that will make an impact on our society. With education, we become invincible. With art, we become infinite. As the filmmaker I aspire to become, I will have the power to educate through art, record history, and shape the future of our world.
Top Three Study Abroad Goals: 1. Developing a personal film project.
During my time in Australia, one of my major goals is to create an inspiring documentary art film that will showcase what international education feels like, highlighting the sentiment and importance of intercultural connection. I’ll capture my extracurricular experiences and routine as an exchange student and document Australian culture by interviewing peers and seizing landscapes that will stir viewers to learn about diverse environments. My goal with this project is not only to put my skills into practice but to create a work of art that can educate and inspire others and promote cross-cultural relations.
2. Learning from a new perspective and personal development.
While abroad, I wish to learn about the filmmaking craft from a fresh perspective that will open my mind to new possibilities. Learning through a new culture will prepare me for a global career and challenge me to push my limits beyond my comfort zone. Doing so will also help me become a more independent, sustainable, and open-minded individual.
3. Increasing cross-cultural global awareness.
Lastly, I hope to directly engage with the local culture, experience a new environment, and make lasting connections with peers abroad to increase my cultural knowledge and global awareness. I will also do my best to positively represent American and Hispanic cultures abroad to encourage a rich cross-cultural exchange of values and experiences.