Jimmy Ndayikengurukiye Avatar

Scholarship Year:

2024 Spring

Jimmy N.

Studying In:

Dublin, Ireland


Education in Ireland Access Partner Scholarship

Journal Entries

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More About This Scholar



Major / Minor:

Biology / Human Body

Program Provider:



African American/Black, First-Generation College Student, U.S. Immigrant

Future Career Goals:

My Future career goal is to become a Pharmacist.

Top 3 Goals for your time abroad:

One of my goals while I’m abroad is to fully immerse myself in Irish culture and learn more about their traditions and way of life. By learning about the culture, I can broaden my view of the world and be more open to ideas or values that are different from mine. As an aspiring provider, it is vital that I acknowledge and deal with any potential biases I may possess. Another goal of mine is to use my time abroad to learn more about myself and grow as a person. Finally, my final goal for my time abroad is to make meaningful connections and friendships that will enhance my abroad experience both academically and socially. 


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