Scholarship Year:
Genesis T.
Studying In:
London, England
EF Study Abroad Access Partner Scholarship
Journal Entries
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More About This Scholar
Major / Minor:
Criminal Justice
Program Provider:
EF Study Abroad
African American/Black
Future Career Goals:
After I graduate college, I plan on going to law school to become a Lawyer. I hope to one day become a judge after studying law.
Top 3 Goals for your time abroad:
One of my top priorities and reasons for studying abroad is to enhance my global perspective. I believe that immersing myself in a new culture and environment will allow me to gain a deeper insight. Another important goal is that I have is to fulfill my personal ambition of becoming a lawyer. By studying abroad, I will have the opportunity to explore the legal systems of different countries. Lastly, conducting research is an important part of my academic journey, and studying abroad will provide me with unique opportunities to do so.
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