Candice Ogbu Avatar

Scholarship Year:

2023 Spring

Candice O.

Studying In:

Australia | *University of Sydney Access Partner Scholarship

Journal Entries

More About This Scholar

Home Institution: Syracuse University
Expected Graduation Year: 2023
Academic Major / Minor: Psychology & Neuroscience / Disability Studies
Destination: Sydney, Australia
“Hello” in your host country’s language: Hello
Demographics: African American/Black, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student
Future Career Goals: My career objective is to study the implications associated with the vast technological advances in society by observing both cognitive changes in the brain and physical health outcomes. I aim to understand how technological advancement has altered the autonomy of the human nervous systems by using computational methods such as Python and R to develop tests and devices for assessing the possible disorders associated with technology use and addiction.
Top Three Study Abroad Goals: Learn about the cultural and societal nuances within Australia; Successfully live independently across the globe, which I hope will prepare me for graduate school; Have fun! I hope this trip not only enriches me in a different culture, I plan to enjoy and experience as much as I am offered.


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