Angelica Beltrán Franco Avatar

Scholarship Year:


Angelica Beltrán Franco


University of New Hampshire

Studying In:

Tanzania (Summer) | *The School for Field Studies (SFS) Scholarship

More About This Scholar

I’m an undergrad student of Wildlife and Conservation Biology with an Animal Behavior minor at the University of New Hampshire. I’m a non-traditional senior student with interest in carnivore management and feline conservation. This experience will help me to graduate on time in the Fall of 2019.
I will spend June and July in Rhotia, Tanzania for two courses with the School for Field Studies:

– Wildlife Management: I’m hoping to learn about wildlife-human conflict and wildlife conservation efforts in Africa.

– Carnivores of the African Planes: I hope to learn behavioral ecology of carnivores such as lions and wild dogs.

I’m from Colombia and recently became a US citizen. My ethnicity is Mulatto (Mixed race) and Hispanic. I feel a strong connection with mamma Africa and I’m happy the experience is taking place in her hearth.



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