Alea Kroeten Avatar

Scholarship Year:

2025 Spring

Alea K.

Studying In:

London, England


FIE: Foundation for International Education Access Partner Scholarship

Journal Entries

More About This Scholar



Major / Minor:

Global Business Leadership and Economics

Program Provider:

FIE: Foundation for International Education


Asian/Asian American

Future Career Goals:

I hope to enter the work force in an area that interests me, to gain experience and to save money for graduate school. I eventually want to get an MBA, and if possible, start my own company.

Top 3 Goals for your time abroad:

Personal growth- learning more about how I deal with new experiences, growing my confidence and self-dependency, and becoming a more well rounded person.
Professional growth- My program has an embedded internship, and there I hope gain experience in day to day operations of businesses. I also want to learn greater adaptability in the workplace but also in working with people of diverse backgrounds.
Cultural growth- I hope to broaden my perspective regarding cultures, and I hope to connect and build relationships with people across the globe.


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