Adriana Zazueta Avatar

Scholarship Year:

2023 Spring

Adriana Zazueta


California State University, Long Beach

Studying In:

United Kingdom | *Cyril Taylor Memorial Scholarship for Study in the UK

More About This Scholar

Home Institution: California State University, Long Beach
Expected Graduation Year: 2024
Academic Major / Minor: Public Health Education
Destination: Coventry, UK
“Hello” in your host country’s language: Hello
Demographics: Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation College Student, Transfer Student
Future Career Goals: My career goals includes working as a public health administrator. I want to have an impact on communities and improve health-outcomes. I would like to have a closer relation with vulnerable populations such as low-income communities and engage in global health matters. I have interest in planning events within these communities and providing resources to individuals as well as educating public health.
Top Three Study Abroad Goals: One of my goals while studying abroad includes networking and getting first-hand perspective of a public health organization in Europe by attending one of their programs for the community; Another goal I have is to visit Germany, and expand my exposure to different cultures; Lastly I hope to improve my leadership skills and gain more confidence in my abilities.


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