Museum Lover !


I enjoy visiting museums! I enjoy discovering the significance behind various pieces of art and occasionally adding my own interpretation. To me, a museum is like to an adult playground. The fact that the museums in London are free is their finest feature. Before I return to the United States, my goal is to visit at least ten museums.

The Tate Modern Art Museum in London is now my favorite museum. In comparison to traditional art, the artworks on display at the Tate Modern Art Museum are far more expressive, liberated, and informal. The Tate Modern Art Museum featured a wide variety of artwork from throughout the globe. My favorite art piece from the Tate Modern Museum was “Are You Happy Here, Honey? Are you Finding What You Really Want?โ€ This artwork is one of the four billboard paintings that is in the Tate Modern Museum by an artist named Ming Wong. The artist expanded his video installation Life of Imitation. This artwork, in my opinion, represents a woman who constantly questions if she is content where she now calls home. In my situation, while I have been in London, I frequently ask myself whether this is what I wanted in terms of being in London or whether this is what I needed. Even if I occasionally wonder why I chose to travel to London, all my queries have a positive outcome. I wanted this experience, and I got it. I have been treated so well by Lonon this far, and I am grateful for the opportunity. I adore art that I can relate to in my own way.

My visit to the Louvre Museum was quite intriguing. France is home to the Louvre Museum. The well-known Monalisa artwork can be found at this museum. It is also considered to be one of the first encyclopedic museums (in terms of artwork from all over the world being displayed). Old Master paintings, sculptures from the Greek and Roman eras, as well as Egyptian artifacts, are on display in the Louvre Museum in addition to the Monalisa painting. This collection may be found in rooms with beautiful ceilings and decoration. The Louvre’s collection of art from Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas is in a small basement room. I would never have discovered this collection if I had not searched for it. Considering it is not accessible compared to the other collections on the main levels, it does not attract as many tourist groups to view the artwork. This can be seen as structural barriers to prevent interaction with the stunning black artwork. The Louvre’s Art of Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas collection are isolated and disregarded from the other art in the gallery. Unlike other non-black artwork, which included a thorough explanation of the significance of the piece, much of the artwork in the collection had little to no interpretation or explanation of the original contexts and values. Louvre Museum has segregated the Louvre’s Art of Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas collections which reinforces the narrative that people of color and even their art is not worthy of time, space, and consideration. The Louvre Museums segregation of these collections supports the idea that neither people of color nor their work deserve time, space, or respect.