Week Two





Buenos Noches,

week two in Spain has come to an end. The days are going by so fast. I’ve had the pleasure of visiting a few cities Toledo, Salamanca, and my favorite barcelona or as the locals pronounce it “barthelona”. The Spanish culture is so interesting to me. The food has been great. Each city offers a special type of food. In Toledo I had the opportunity to see swords and jewelry being made. Toledo is known for the hand Made swords snd jewelry. I also looked in one of the oldest and biggest cathedrals in Europe. Toledo was a very interesting place for over three hundred years Muslims, Christians and Jewish people lived together in this town. Toledo used to be the capital of spain many years ago. A lot of the town has symbols from each religion. The locals were very welcoming and friends. Such a great opportunity. I still can’t belive I’m here. My Spanish is improving day by day. I can’t wait to learn and see more. Vale!
