Week 1 in Morocco





1. Pictured are some local young people (Shabaab in Arabic (ุดุจุงุจ playing soccer in a parking lot of Rabat. I have gotten to meet the coolest people while just playing a quick game of pickup soccer while also building my colloquial Arabic skills. By meeting these younger generations of Moroccans, I am able to have conversations about deeper subjects that may not be as acceptable with the older generations. These topics can range from LGBTQ+ topics, to attitudes towards immigrants in Morocco, to perceptions of Islam, or gender issues in the country. It is extremely enlightening to have these conversations with young locals because I feel like my perception of MENA countries has been warped by western media. I experienced one instance this week where my family sent me a text talking about what I need to be worried about while in Morocco, but many of these โ€œprecautionsโ€ only consisted of ignorant preconceived notions. The country and people I have met so far are much more progressive and welcoming than Americans think.

2. This picture was taken while some friends and I took a walk through the medina of Rabat. An interesting thing that I have learned while walking throughout the medina is the distinguishable line between the upper and lower class. Pictured is a side street in the medina that occupies middle to upper middle-class Moroccans. These types of houses often include beautiful furnishings, dรฉcor, and natural light. One thing that took me by surprise while visiting my friendsโ€™ houses is the Moroccan bathrooms. Though there are a few western style bathrooms, many of them solely consist of one room with a toilet that doubles as a shower. I have also discovered that people generally do not shower on a daily basis like they do in America. I am not sure if this is a way to conserve resources or to save money, but people often just shower once or twice a week at home while visiting the community โ€œhamamโ€ biweekly. A hamam is a place where people come together to relax, bathe, and sometimes socialize.