The Herbologist




Miles outside of Merida, Yucaatan, Mexico

In a city called Santa Elena located in the state of Yucatan in Mexico, people live life in a rural setting. Many inhabitants are Mayan, and they primarily peak the Mayan language. A large church atop of a hill overlooks the city as countless dogs roam the streets. Some houses have dirt floors, some houses are more like thatch-roofed huts, and in one house lives a herbologist, Don Felix.

Don Felix is an 85-year-old man who spoke in amazing Spanish to me and my peers considering the fact that his first language was Mayan. Among many things, this man was amazingly welcoming. He was an eager teacher and had an obvious passion for education. Even at his age, he told us that he had decided to return to school in order to learn how to read and write. He proudly read that word written on the table cloth in front of himself out loud. “Alta!” He exclaimed after sounding out each letter.

He was willing and eager to show all of us students the secret and normal rituals that he used to cure local people. One of his most common treatments was used to stop and resolve the effects of a venomous snake bite. He also shared with us treatments used to cure cancer, increase fertility, cure headaches, and treat countless other aliments. He has shared all of this information with many other researches and professionals and has even hosted a conference of doctors in his garden. He explained, “I am a good person not a witch. That is why I teach about what I know and charge a very low price for my work.”

His willingness to help people get better shows in the stories he tells. Although he has no medical degree and lives in poverty, his intelligence, ability, and caring nature make him a TRUE healer to his people.