Reflection on My Study Abroad Experience





Sevilla, Spain.








Twelve weeks in Spain has taught me more about myself than I would’ve ever known. Stepping outside of this Chicago “bubble” and learning first hand about a different culture has helped me grow. Grow to become more of an open-minded individual than I could ever imagine. I’ve learned to realize that the real beauty behind this adventure, is never the adventure itself, but the principle of it. Along the process you learn how to adapt, accept, and conform. Thus, it becomes an adventure itself within the individual. Sevilla taught me to be independent, and studying in Spain has encouraged me to learn different languages. After Spain, I have since felt the need to learn more about the world. It’s incredible learning about different countries, and the history of these countries.

Experiences like this can bring opportunities for you. These opportunities include traveling the world and adapting to different cultures. Being away from home has also helped me to reflect on the life I have in Chicago. Over time I realized I began to appreciate the life I have back home, yet also want to change certain aspects of my life. What I loved most about the Spanish culture is the way they took each day by day. I always admired the phrase “Carpe Diem”, which in french is an expression used to urge someone to make the most out of their present day and give little thought to the future. The education system in Spain is very relaxed like the culture. My time away had me notice the “hussle and bussle” the education and lifestyle is in the United States. Being in Spain taught me that it is okay to put pause on your life and reflect.

Rooftop Sunset

You step outside of reality to analyze the world you live in, and the life you routinely have. Yet, during this time you are stormed with new adventures every day. I am thankful for every experience I had during this time abroad. It felt like every day was a new adventure. A new place to visit, a new street to walk on, everything. Saying goodbye to the beautiful city was very difficult. I became so used to hearing the Spanish language, and reading the Spanish language that surrounded me. Especially walking through the suburban streets, and attending the college courses. I am thankful for the people I have met during this journey. It’s great knowing that I have friends all over the world who I know have shared this experience with me, and has a wanderlust for traveling and seeking new adventures.ย I know one day I will return to Spain again, and there’s no doubt in mind that I will return to Europe. I am no longer afraid to step foot into an unknown environment. I have an open mind, and an interest for new cultures. My last day ended with a trip to my apartment complex rooftop. There, I watched the sunset and reminisced about the adventures I had in Seville, and the lifestyle I will choose to have for the rest of “each day”.