Planning My Last Trips!






Hello again!

Midterm season at Thammasat University is now officially over, which means time to pack up my bags and start traveling again! Itโ€™s crazy to think that my time in Thailand is almost over โ€“ what started as a ten-month adventure has now become a little over two months. So Iโ€™m pretty much over here trying to pack as much as I can in the time that I have left. Itโ€™s funny, when I first arrived in Thailand, I naively thought that I had all the time in the world, and that I would be able to see everything I wanted to and so much more. Perspective changes a lot of things!

So far, I have three back-to-back trips planned in the coming weeks. I will be heading up to Northern Thailand into the town of Pai, where I will be spending the days leading up to the Songkran festival. Everybody that I have ever talked to about Pai had nothing but good things to say about it, so I am most certainly excited! Plus, the weather up in the north is much better than the weather over here in Bangkok right now โ€“ the heat is really starting to kick in! I can only imagine how bad it is going to be when April comes around, itโ€™s supposed to be the worst month when it comes to that.

But after Pai, I am going to come back to Bangkok to attend a few classes (never skip class!) before flying back up to a little province called Nan. What is Nan? I honestly have zero idea, but itโ€™s a place that looks cool from the little research I did about it, so Iโ€™m just going to go up there and see what itโ€™s about. Supposedly, thereโ€™s this cool mountain that you can go camping at, and on a clear night, you can see the Milky Way. I donโ€™t know if thatโ€™s true or not, but I canโ€™t wait to check it out! Thereโ€™s supposed to also be really good food, which is always a plus!

And then after that, I am heading off to Malaysia for five nights. I previously thought that my trip to Laos would be my last out-of-country trip, but apparently not! Iโ€™m super excited for this trip, and although I am spending so much less time in the country than I would want to, I think I have narrowed down my itinerary to a handful of spots that I would really like to see, taste, and explore.

After eight months of traveling, Iโ€™ve come to the conclusion that the best way to explore a place is to just go out there and do it. Donโ€™t really plan (I mean, plan, but only the basic essentials) and see where the road takes you. So far, itโ€™s been working out for me, and I think itโ€™s one of the most important lessons that I have learned from this study abroad experience.

So yeah, thatโ€™s what my life looks like for the next couple of weeks. I canโ€™t wait to share my experiences with you as I go through them! Itโ€™s going to be amazing, I can already tell! And even if it isnโ€™t, at least I will walk away with a good story or two!

