One month left




I have a little over 4 weeks before returning back home and I can not believe it. It truly feels like I got here yesterday with a lot of excitement to start this adventure. This upcoming couple of weeks will be a bit rough as I try to finish all my final projects and presentations. However, I hope I have the chance to reflect on what I have learned during my time here.

These past months have been incredible and they have showed me how much I love new beginnings. I love being in a new environment where everything amazes me. I love discovering new things, people, and places. Without a doubt these past few months have been some of the most memorable in my life.

But they have also been full of challenges. Going to a different university has taught me new ways of learning. I have also learned to be more patient and understands that my way of doing things is not the only way. I have also taken on leadership roles as my roommates do not speak Spanish so I am the one that constantly communicates with our landlord and neighbors.

Overall these past months have been amazing and I would not change this experience for anything. As I finish my last month in Segovia, I want to continue learning and making memories.