Last Week of Classes





I finished my last week of classes at the University of Ghana-Legon. I’m not sure how I feel entirely. A part of me is happy that classes are over because I did not enjoy going to class. I found my course subjects interesting but the actual lectures could have been better. During the last week, I went to all of my classes and professors passed our mid-term grades, discussed the final exam, and gave their final goodbyes. It was a fast week and everything went by pretty fast. Before I knew it, classes were over!

I found UG-Legon courses to be underwhelming for the most part. I knew that the courses here would not be as rigorous as the courses at my home institution but I didn’t expect them to be this underwhelming. Many students did not attend lectures, professors did not show up sometimes, and the teaching method was problematic for me. I found that most professors wanted students to memorize information instead of thinking critically the information that we learned. This teaching method is strange to me because I’m used to critically thinking about everything. However, in this environment, I had to change the way that I learn. Overall, I did not find courses that rigorous or challenging but other aspects of my experience made my lack of academic rigor balance out.

All I can say for now is that classes are over and I’m studying for my upcoming exams. Additionally, my 21st birthday is coming up and I plan on doing something very, very special ;). You all will find out what I’m doing next week!


