Halftime Highlights – and happy birthday to my wonderful parents






When I finally decided I wanted to study abroad, I was in a tight spot financially but because I have only one semester left before I graduate it was imperative that I go this summer. When I went to my parents for advice they never said I couldnโ€™t do it they just told me I was going to have to work for it. And work we did. I pulled extra shifts at work, had fundraisers, and applied for as many scholarships as I could. There were definitely days when I wasnโ€™t sure I could make the cut but my parents urged me on and graciously helped close the gap, and even surpass my goal. Without a doubt I wouldnโ€™t have been able to experience this wonderful country without them and Iโ€™m so lucky to have such awesome people in my life.

Anyway I’m in Jordan for my both my parents birthdays so I compiled a highlights reel of my time in Jordan so far. Iโ€™m sure they’re going to like it and I hope yaโ€™ll do too so here it is!