Finals Season: NZ Style





Ughhh finalsโ€”the bane of my existence at the moment, honestly. Is it because Iโ€™m a senior and this is my last semester? I donโ€™t know why but studying is so much harder this finals season! The senioritis is real, people. Iโ€™ve done nothing but study for the past 1.5 weeks. And in the next 48 hours, it will all be over. But my goodness, the next 24 hours will be hell: after I finish the biodiversity exam at 4 pm, Iโ€™ll have to finish reviewing the lectures and cramming notes for genetics until that final at 9 am.

So apologies for the shortest post by far this semester, but I need to get back to the grind. All this studying and self-torture better be worth it!!!

What I’ve learned:

  1. The Arthropoda phylum is the largest animal phylum.
  2. A coelom is a fluid-filled body cavity.

What I need to learn:

  1. An entire semester’s worth of genetics in the next 24 hours.
  2. How to cook a nutritious meal in the throes of a stress-induced, mental breakdown.
If I have to stare at this textbook and memorize the lac operon for an entire week, then you have to, too.