Exploring Oaxaca






The culture in Oaxaca is exceedingly rich. It is vibrant and full of color. The collectivist nature of the Mexican culture is resounding, and one cannot escape the gravity of this phenomenon. Thus, assimilation entails partaking in the day to day activities–Sunday Zumba, walking miles everyday to reach your destination, spending hours at a time at the Llano (park), and understanding the history and perspectives of the individuals who comprise the vivacious city that is Oaxaca.

Depicted below is the tree of El Tule–the widest tree in the world. Situated near the tree, a church stands tall and proud, but is cast under the penumbra of the tree’s shadow. The tree commands such power-such majesty. Witnessing the immense beauty of mother earth’s bounty inspires astronomical shifts within one’s mind. Exceeding 2,000 years of age, the tree has born witness to such travesty and folly; to human endeavor and ingenuity; to the rise and fall of civilizations.

Oh wise tree. To such majesty, I bend a supplicating knee.

This week, I had the opportunity to visit Monte Alban–the remnants of the Mixotec civilization. Their understanding of life was profound–I cannot comprehend how the Nordic races deemed them so barbaric and uncivilized. Their edifices were formidable,  vast, and tall. They had structures that would convey the commencement of the rainy season and an advanced observatory system. When standing at the highest point, it was as if outstretching your arms upward would stroke the heavens.