
I had a widespread assumption that I would get homesick before moving overseas. I imagined that I would miss home so much that it would make me feel really sad. I’ve since come to understand that this assumption was false. I do miss my family very much, but I haven’t been missing my house physically. Instead, knowing that my time in London is just short and that I will soon return home, I have allowed myself to recognise and miss my family without obsessively focusing on those feelings.

Being in London has given me a special chance to concentrate on personal development. I no longer have to worry for my siblings’ well-being or taking care of my house on a daily basis. I’ve been able to be more self-centered thanks to my newfound independence than I ever could have at home. I took along reassuring souvenirs, such a treasured photo of my mother, sister, and brother, as well as a bracelet my mother gave me on my birthday, to keep a sense of connection with my family. The charm on the bracelet reads, “You are always in my heart,” and my mother owns the other half of the heart. These items remind me of the support and affection I have at home.

Actively avoiding boredom, which may result in wondering what my friends and relatives are doing back home, has also averted homesickness. I’ve developed a schedule in which I aim to get up at 6 a.m. every day and go to the gym. If time allows, I look for venues like coffee shops where I can finish my schoolwork after my lectures. Even though I do not always stick to my schedule and my days are still very unpredictable, having certain tasks in mind keeps me interested and busy. I have discovered comfort in making things like rice, beans, and chicken that my mom frequently makes at home to help me fight homesickness. These meals give me a feeling of familiarity and provide the impression that I’m enjoying my favorite foods in the warmth of my own home.

In conclusion, my original concern about being homesick has turned out to be unfounded. Instead of dwelling on how much I miss my actual home, I have welcomed the chance to give myself over to self-indulgence and am enjoying the freedom of being overseas. I have learned how to look after my emotional wellbeing and make my stay in London rewarding by bringing sentimental things, keeping a schedule, and cooking familiar cuisine.