A How – To Guide on Dealing with Homesickness







So, Iโ€™m wrapping up my third week in Antigua and itโ€™s been amazing so far! But that doesnโ€™t mean there havenโ€™t been low moments. On the whole, Iโ€™m really enjoying my time here and Iโ€™m grateful to experience so many different and exciting things, but Iโ€™ve definitely had some times where I missed the U.S., my home, my friends, my dogs whatever whatever. I had to figure out how to get through those moments so I could continue to have a blast here. And Iโ€™ve decided to share the knowledge:

Tip #1: Find a thing that reminds you of your home country.

This can be anything (a park, a restaurant, a coffee shop) as long as it makes you feel a little like youโ€™re back at home. For me, this is a restaurant/bar named Friedaโ€™s. First of all, itโ€™s incredible and has pictures of Frieda Kahlo everywhere. And second of all, itโ€™s a Tex-Mex place. Which means they have killer nachos, that are of course not authentic at all, but do definitely remind me of the great state of Texas!

Tip #2: Music, Movies, Media!

If youโ€™re having a particularly rough night, indulge a little! Take an easy night in, put on some pajamas, and let your mind wander. Listen to music by your favorite artist, watch your favorite movie or TV show, and just let yourself rest! Itโ€™s important to take a break from the usually hectic study abroad schedule.

Tip #3: Take advantage of the Internet.

We live in a glorious time where basically any country you go to will have somewhere where you can connect to wifi. And with mediums like Skype, FaceTime, whatsapp, Google Hangout etc. there are a million different ways of connecting with loved ones back home. Of course you want to live in the moment and spend your time in your study abroad country and not in your home country, but donโ€™t feel bad for taking a few minutes whenever you need to to chat with someone you care about at home!

Hope this helps continue to make your study abroad experience awesome!  Happy traveling!