Weekend Trip to Århus Round 2!


Hej everyone!

I returned to Aarhus this weekend with my roomies! If you kept up with my posts, I took a solo trip to Aarhus last semester for the weekend and really enjoyed it. I went back again and did similar activities as last time and still loved the town. We rented out an Airbnb located relatively close to Aros (the well-known art museum) and did a lot of walking around the area.

I don’t know if I mentioned this before but Aarhus is a lot calmer than Copenhagen. When we were there, it seemed like there were less people all around. It was a relaxing city to spend a week- however I can’t imagine myself doing my exchange year there. Another thing is that people didn’t speak English to us as much in comparison to Copenhagen (keep in mind at in Copenhagen, VERY rarely do you meet someone who doesn’t know English). In Copenhagen, most cashiers automatically talk to you in English (from my personal experience as least). However in Aarhus, you have to make it clear that you don’t understand them… Jeg kan ikke forstå dansk… When it comes to listening Danish, I have a hard time understanding because Danes talk so fast and skip a lot of words and/or letters in the words making it more difficult to comprehend. I understand more when I read though not enough to read anything too complex.

Here is a few photos of Aarhus ? The weekend was slightly gloomy.

Our dinner, we made shrimp tacos:

Our Airbnb view:

City view of Aarhus ?

We had a picnic at the park, ate street food, went out for cheap drinks, visited a museum, and went around the city. Overall, I had a nice and relaxing weekend. Can’t wait to return in the far future to re-explore this little town ?

It’s Easter break and I am on my way to Poland as I’m typing this. I will talk to you soon and promise lots of pictures next time!!

Have a wonderful spring!

Yosita Yeerong

<i>Hello in your host country language</i>: Hej! <i>University</i>: University of California, Santa Barbara <i>Expected graduation year</i>: 2018 <i>Destination</i>: Copenhagen, Denmark <i>Program Provider</i>: UC Education Abroad Program <i>Subject Matter, Major / minor</i>: Communication & Psychology (double major) <i> Language of Study, if any </i>: Danish <i>Housing</i>: Dorm <i>Demographic background</i>: First-generation, Thai female <i>Future career aspirations</i>: College counselor or advisor