Volta Region!





I went to the Volta region with my study abroad program this past weekend and it was great. The Volta region is located in the eastern part of Ghana and the dominant ethnic group represented there are the Ewe people. Therefore, most people speak Ewe and a majority the signs were in Ewe. We saw the Volta river and the Volta lake, visited Wli waterfalls (which are the highest waterfalls in West Africa), visited Tafi Atome monkey sanctuary (the monkeys were so cute!), and stopped at a few towns/villages. The Volta region is very mountainous with lots of vegetation and I found the place to be beautiful. I enjoyed the break from the Legon suburbs and having the chance to  be surrounded by nature.

I actually have pictures this time (I had some help from my roommate too) so I will post them and write all the relevant information in the caption.

Until next time,


When we arrived at Wli falls, we parked the bus and stood in front of the reception area for a little bit. Eventually, a guide emerged and we walked for around 45 minutes before we reached the lower fall (there are two waterfalls). The walk wasn’t too bad and we were able to see some amazing views. The waterfall and the overall scenery was beautiful. The water was extremely cold but I really liked it.
This is a view from the path to the lower fall.
This is how a majority of the path to the lower fall looked.
Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary! I really enjoyed our stop here because the monkeys are tiny and super cute! Before we went to feed the monkeys, our guide told us a history of how the sanctuary came to be. A lot of the story is escaping me at the moment but essentially the Tafi people were told by an oracle to relocate to a place where they would find a certain kind of monkey (the mona monkeys at the sanctuary). When they received the message, they spent years searching for the monkeys until they ended up where they are today. I wish that I could find a written version of the story because it’s so interesting but there is only an oral history/account. In this picture, I’m attempting to feed a monkey a banana. Unfortunately, the monkey didn’t take :/


Sumurye Awani

*BASAA Scholarship <i>Hello in your host country language</i>: Nanga def (Senegal); Eti sen (Ghana) <i>University</i>: Wellesley College <i>Expected graduation year</i>: 2018 <i>Destination</i>: Senegal/Ghana <i>Program Provider</i>: CIEE <i>Major / minor</i>: Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences w/ linguistics concentration <i>Language of study, if any</i>: French, <i>Housing</i>: Homestay <i>Demographic background</i>: Black, Liberian & South-Sudanese <i>Future career aspirations</i>: Potential business owner