Visiting a Good Samaritan Home






Earlier today, I had the opportunity to visit a Good Samaritan Home for the homeless. I participated in a tour of the facility, learned about their program and benefits, and even spoke with some of the residents. The shelter was approximately the size of a 5/6 bedroom home, housing over 50 men and women. It was a very unique place because they accept anyone who was rejected by other homes. As long as the person was clean and sober from drugs and alcohol, they had a place to call home. They even admitted people with permanent disabilities and offered physical and respiratory therapy. In addition, the staff ran a food pantry and gave over 40 plates per week to additional non-tenants.

The residents have created a sense of community within the shelter. They contributed to the daily operations by preparing meals, washing laundry, and assisting with medications.  The young men assisted the elders with daily living activitiesโ€”bathing, grooming, and dressing-and provided security and protection for those who cannot fend for themselves. They demonstrated kindness and love towards one another. Although they all come from various harsh circumstances, they willingly gave away what they do have. For example, a tenant was drinking a soda during lunch when an older male resident walked up to him and asked for his drink. The tenant had just a few drops left in his glass. Instead of being selfish, he gave the male resident all that was left in his cup without any complaints.  

After visiting the Good Samaritan Home, I have realized that I should demonstrate more gratitude for my life. I may not have everything I want, but I do have the basic necessities. I am not bound to depend on others to provide for my well-being. Instead, I have choices and independence to live life as I choose.  I felt conviction to do more for my community. I should stop looking at myself as I am not good enough to make a difference; however I am good enough to make a positive impact in someone’s life. It all starts with one. If a person with less has the heart to give, then I should not be selfish. I should give and do more. Since I know better, I choose do better. I will continue to strive towards excellence no matter how hard life becomes for me.

Also, the wonderful tenants has shown me that happiness is for everyone. If I choose to be happy, I can experience happiness as well.  When life becomes tough, I can choose to think higher thoughts, demonstrate a positive attitude, and just be happy. I cannot give up. With a positive mind, I can endure until the end.