Visiting a Castle!!




I was at a castle today! I went on a trip to see the Bodiam Castle and also walked around Rye. Bodiam Castle was built by a wealthy solider named Sir Edward Dallingridge in 1385. That was more than 600 years ago! I had been checking constantly for what the weather would be like for today and it kept saying it would be very rainy and today turned out to be a lovely sunny day. Which I was so glad because the day allowed for me to take a lot of pictures and throughly enjoy the scenery. One thing I have absolutely fallen in love with of England is their green and luscious countryside and hills. Every time I’m on the bus I look out and admire the views. So, I’ve made it my goal that at least once I will run through the hills of England. Today I briefly got a taste of it while at Bodiam Castle and let me tell you it was a very fulfilling moment. It was a thrilling experienced that left me feeling energized and happy. I was at a castle today and nothing sounds cooler than that!

I think I’ve mentioned this before but it has honestly become so important to me, I am really appreciative of England’s ways of maintaining their history alive and well-kept by having a combination of the old with the new. I loved Rye and the small homey feel to it. I mentioned to my friends how visiting all these small places has made me consider in my future moving to a small town like Rye. Rye had tons of little shops and very old places such as Mermaid street. I am truly living by the phrase Carpe Diem! I walked around a lot today, at least 8 miles, which I don’t think I would normally make it through but today I didn’t even get tired of it because I was too distracted looking at my surrounding and soaking it all in.

It is moments like these that remind me of how grateful I am to be here living my dreams. I’ve met amazing people, seen new places with them, and most importantly made memorable experiences with them and I am very thankful for every minute of it. Today was an amazing day, I mean I was at a castle!! I’m very ecstatic to be able to share my experience with you all, so here are some pictures of today.

Diana Alcalรก

*FEA Access Partner Scholarship (USAC: University Studies Abroad Consortium) <i>Hello in your host country language</i>: Hello <i> University</i>: Portland State University <i>Expected graduation year</i>: 2020 <i>Destination</i>: Brighton, England <i>Program Provider</i>: USAC: University Studies Abroad Consortium <i>Major / Minor</i>: Psychology / Sociology and Business <i>Demographic background</i>: First-generation, Latina <i>Future career aspirations</i>: Counselor, Adviser <i>Top 3 goals for study abroad</i>: To learn to be independent and know myself better; To become more open-minded and well-rounded; To make incredible memories and friendships.