Turning the Page






When life seems to work out in your favor little things happening you don’t notice. One example of this is when you are reading and finish a paragraph, and then must turn the page to continue reading. This has recently happened during my time in Budapest. Yes the last semester is over, but a new semester is here and I am excited for what it holds.

Classes are a mix of all the good and bad of mathematics but these days it is unclear which area of math fits into which category. The highlight so far though is non-Euclidean geometry, since it takes something very intuitive geometry, and changes the rules slightly to see what happens to shapes, spaces, and other geometric ideas.

My roommates have come home, and though things aren’t always perfect, the living situation is certainly good. It is nice to have 3 people in the house who will drink with me at the drop of a hat, but also all want to put in the time to do well in our courses this semester. It is also nice that they will let me have my own space to just be quiet and relax.

The new students this semester seem to have more gusto than the previous ragtag crew of mathematicians, and the students who are staying for the year are enjoyable as usual. I have also established a nice amount of local contacts for when I need to get away from the math speak and just be a human. The city is finally becoming familiar and I feel like I can go anywhere without a phone and not be lost or even confused.

A new Fulbright scholar has come to Budapest to work with BSM and has been leading hikes every other weekend which I hope to participate in, and he is offering guidance for students who want to apply to graduate school in the US. It seems he will be a very useful resource in the future as I continue to study here.

All in all, some things have ended put this next page seems to contain more of an interesting story.