Traveling while abroad 


While you’re abroad my biggest advice is to travel as much as possible especially in England. It was not in my budget to travel too much but I did get to experience the cities around England as well as Paris, France. 

I also recommend to get a rail card. It is around 70 USD but it is completely worth it. It also you to travel around cheaper across the trains. My friends and I were able to go from places like Liverpool all the way to London. 

The plane tickets are also fairly cheap as well. Going to Paris was around 90$ round trip. If you want to stay at a hotel it’ll be more expensive but hostels are fairly affordable and when I went to Paris. I also recommend to try to be more spontaneous with all of your trips. While there are some things you have to make reservations for, there are times where you might just want to see where the day takes you. And trust me that’s much more fun! My last trip to London we only have one thing planned and the rest was up in the air and we had the best time. 

So enjoy your time traveling, be spontaneous and have fun!