Travel Weeks at DIS





Kathy Colin

<i>Home Institution</i>: University of Richmond <i>Expected Graduation Year</i>: 2024 <i>Academic Major / Minor</i>: Chemistry / Health Studies <i>Destination</i>: Copenhagen, Denmark <i>"Hello" in your host country's language</i>: Hej <i>Program Provider</i>: DIS <i>Demographics</i>: Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student <i>Future Career Goals</i>: I plan to use my passion for chemistry to obtain a Ph.D. and work in the pharmaceutical industry as a medicinal chemist <i>Top Three Study Abroad Goals</i>: Learn and develop skills that will advance my academic and professional career, immerse myself in my host country, and develop an appreciation for new cultures/customs

One of my favorite aspects of the DIS study abroad program is the educational class travel trips known as Core Course Week (CCW) and Long Study Tour (LST). Apart from this, DIS allocates a day of the week, Wednesday, for potential class field trips called field studies where your professor plans learning experiences that connect to your in-class learning. However, CCW and LST are reserved solely for your Core Course. My course is Medical Biotechnology & Drug Development, and our locations for CCW and LST were Aarhus, DK, and London, UK, respectively.

CCW is typically a short trip to a nearby location in Denmark, which took place during early February. My class traveled three hours to the second biggest city in Denmark with a focus on learning about biotech and exploring more of the Danish culture while bonding as a class. Recently, my class and I traveled to London, something we had been anticipating since the end of CCW! LST and CCW are very similar in terms of having an academic component with cultural activities; however, LST is a bit longer (about six days), takes place outside of Denmark, and occurs towards the middle/end of the semester. During my trip, we visited research laboratories, science museums, Oxford University, and participated in a bike tour, Indian food tour, and theater show, with free time built into the schedule to explore London. The experience was unforgettable, spending time with my friends, seeing, and trying new things.

Not only are the academic activities fruitful and interesting, but bonding as a class while participating in class activities is the best part of these trips. DIS prioritizes in-class learning and transferring your knowledge in immersive out-of-class learning.

Now that LST is over, the end of the semester is in full gear with two weeks remaining. It is time for the usual final assignments, presentations, and spontaneous feelings of unmotivation because summer is around the corner. These past four months have been amazing; I developed a routine, I am accustomed to life here, and I get to see and spend time with my friends all the time. I am torn between feeling sad that this will all be over soon and being ready to be home. Itโ€™s an internal conflict that I am experiencing, but I will simply appreciate each day and every moment I have left.