Time is flying by!!!!


I cannot believe that this is my fourth week in Italy! I swear time is really flying by fast and Iโ€™m just getting use to living here. Last weekend I went to visit the city of Pompeii, Carpi and Naples. The trip was through the school and I had a wonderful time with the other students. While I was in Naples Iโ€™ve realize that there are more locals around the city and less tourists which was nice because in Florence all you see is tourists everywhere and the locals would come out at night to socialize. Which would be difficult because other students and I are trying to find locals around our age to socialize and hopefully be apart of the community. Luckily, at Florence University of Arts has a program called ChatPal, which place locals with international students similar to our age and will help us with our Italian and also show us around the city. Which I am sooo excited for! and also Iโ€™ve decided to volunteer at a Middle School to help Italians with their english, which is awesome.

Anyways back to the trip! I cannot believe that I actually went to visit Pompeii!!!! It was amazing walking in the streets and allies where others had walked and also visiting houses, bakeries, and restaurants that were destroyed by a volcano eruption in 79 AD. I felt like I went back in time, it was such a overwhelming experience in a good way of course :). I cannot believe that I actually checked that goal off my bucket list!

Here is some pictures of the historical city!













Capri was an incredible experience! Sadly, the weather wasnโ€™t good enough for us to visit the Blue Grotto, but we had a boat ride around the island which was breathtaking! and their food was delicious! 








This weekend a few friends and I are traveling to Venice, Italy this weekend to explore around the city, which I am thrill about! My goal is to go the boat ride around the city and also buying me mask, which they are very famous for!


Samiya Farah

Salve! My name is Samiya Farah, and Iโ€™m currently a undergrad studying Nursing at Johnson County Community College located in Kansas. Raised in Kansas City, Missouri, Iโ€™ve never traveled out of the U.S. although my mind has traveled around the globe numerous of time. As the first generation to go to college in my family and also to study abroad, I can encourage those who have come to America or who are born here but have immigrant parents who may not have finished high school or college; helping those young students understand that their destiny, the opportunities, and academic possibilities are available and their accomplishment can go beyond crossing the Atlantic Ocean. I want them to see me as a role model who has achieved her goals. And, opportunities like the FEA scholarship who made this dream possible and I want to thank them for that! THANK YOU!! This Fall (2015) Iโ€™ve decided to study abroad at Florence University of the Arts in Florence, Italy. I have chosen to study abroad in the fall for a semester is because I hope to begin nursing school in spring 2016, and I want to take this life-changing moment with vast benefits for my future career before devoting my life to nursing school. I will have the opportunity to take classes that relate to my major, for example Mediterranean Diet: A Guide to Healthy Living and Developing Mind Potential: Mindfulness. I want to share my experience with my family, friends, and of course, my future patients about the diet and what great benefits it has. Also, I will be taking Italian because I find it the most beautiful language, itโ€™s so vivid and musical. I know that studying and taking Italian: Beginners in Italy will be an amazing experience because of the people and the environment. The challenges I will have to face during my travels from Kansas City to Florence wonโ€™t be easy: feeling like an outsider, the language barrier, or being far from my support network. But, I know I will return more open-minded, independent, and a stronger person. Just thinking about my plans for fall makes me nervous in my stomach, but the thrill and excitement are even much stronger than my nerves. I just cannot wait for this moment to happen.